The Siege of Honduras - Ricardo Salgado, update September 30

12.7 Mb 128 kbps. mono 14 minutes

Ricardo Salgado has just returned from the Brazilian Embassy where President Zelaya is defying three police lines and attempts by the coup regime to dislodge him and his supporters in contravention of international law. The Honduras Resistance movement is planning mass marches for tomorrow, and will attempt to retake Radio Globo that was shut down by the coup regime yesterday. Radio Globo is still broadcasting through the internet, and a network of smaller community radio stations. Will the resistance movement cause the de facto coup regime collapse under its own weight of repression sooner, or later?

Original audio source (rricardo.salgadobonilla_30_Sep_2009.mp3)

Siege of Honduras - Andre Conteris from inside the Brazilian Embassy

5.5 Mb.128kbps mono 6 minutes

Andres Conteris, journalist for "Democracy Now" is inside the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras with President Zelaya who has taken refuge there until restored to his legitimate role. The Brazilian Embassy is under siege by the Honduran armed forces who have attempted to cut food supplies, water and electricity, jam communications and set up sound boxes designed to emit high pitched, irritating high decibal noise inside the Embassy grounds.

A week later, and the coup regime has declared a suspension of all constitutional rights and put an ultimatum to the Brazilian government. International reaction to this disturbing move has been disappointingly slow, especially from the US. The toll of casualties is mounting, the latest a woman who died from the effects of the teargas assault on the Brazilian Embassy. Radio Globo is no longer transmitting, but has maintained its internet stream. The Honduran coup regime is reacting hysterically and with typical excessive force against the popular outrage that has only grown over the last three months, with hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions, of people out in the streets in protest on a daily basis.

Like other independent journalists and commentators he expresses profound disappointment in the US' lack of reaction to this most recent travesty (among many) of the coup regime, not only against their own people, but against internationally agreed conventions and accepted norms of civilised behaviour.

Original audio source (AndresContrenasEmbassy29_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras -no rights - Australian rep for Resistance Front (Spanish language)

7.6Mb. 128kbps mono 8:17 mins

Representante del Frente Hondureno habla con radio communitario sobre la situacion en Honduras despues la declaracion del regimen golpista sobre la derrogacion de derechos constitucionales del pais. Tambien actividades dentro Australia para vencer la represion.

Santiago represents the Honduran Resistance Front in Australia. The suspension of constitutional rights by the coup regime has shocked people around the world; Santiago hopes that a meeting arranged by the Mexican Embassy with the Australian Foreign Minister will help to overcome the slow response and the diappointing reluctance of the US government to categorically reject this outrage against the Honduran people.


Original audio source (SantiagoReyes29_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras Coup Regime ups the ante

Andres Conteris, journalist for "Democracy Now" is inside the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras with President Zelaya where he has taken refuge until he is restored to his legitimate role. The Brazilian Embassy is under siege by the Honduran armed forces who have attempted to cut food supplies, water and electricity, jam communications and set up sound boxes designed to emit high pitched, irritating high decibal noise inside the Embassy grounds.

Andres speaks with community radio station 2NimFM and Latin Radical
describes the situation there just a few hours after the Honduran military pumped some kind of noxious gas into the Embassy grounds.

Original audio source (Andre_Contrinas26_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras insurrection against the coup - Assassination attempts against President Zelaya.

5.2Mb. 64kbps. mono 11 minutes

Ricardo Salgado from Honduras - 88th day of the coup, protest, and now insurrection, with people defying the coup regime's attempts to impose a round the clock curfew. 50,000 people are still demonstrating in the capital Tegucigalpa, and the military have taken over two sport stadiums to hold the people they have arrested and held. The popular media (radio globohonduras and Canal 36) are holding out despite attempts to shut them down, and announced and frustrated two planned attempts to assassinate President Zelaya within the Brazilian Embassy.

Original audio source (ricardo.salgadobonilla_24_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras - Insurreccion!! - Socrates Coelho, Sindicalista del CUTH habla

8.3Mb. 128kbps. mono 9 mins 3 secs.
(Spanish language)

Socrates Coelho, dirigente syndicalista del CUTH en Honduras habla con radio communitario en Australio sobre lo que ocurre en Honduras, la noche 22 - 23 de Septiembre. Milles de manifestantes estan siendo agredido por la policia y militares y paramilitares para su mero apoyo al Presidente Zelaya que esta en la Embajada Brasilena, rodeado por los militares del gobierno de-facto de Micheletti.

El pueblo han rechazado la fuerte represion y mientras hablaba con Socrates el pueblo montaba una verdardera insurreccion, desafiando el toque de queda impuesto por el regimen golpista, a pesar de muertos y heridos. Como dijo Socrates, el pueblo no tiene miedo de las reacciones desesperados de los golpistas.

Original audio source (SocratesCoelhoCUTH.mp3)

Honduras and Resistance - Grahame Russel from Action Rights

(Note: a problem with the line caused sound to fade in and out quite dramatically during the interview. This was mitigated to some extent during editing, but the end result is a little patchy. If you are thinking of rebroadcasting, please take this into account - WF).

Grahame Russel from Action Rights has just returned to his home in the northern USA after two weeks in Honduras as an observer. Graham is a human rights lawyer and has been following the coup in Honduras closely, ever since he witnessed the events of late June and early July. In this report he describes the massive march in protest against the coup regime on September 15, a day when Honduras traditionally celebrates its independence from Spain.

Graham provides an analysis of the strengths of the Resistance Front, and the implications of the boycott of the elections proposed by the coup regime for November 29.


La Marcha de La Resistencia - Israel Salinas, syndicalist (Spanish)

Israel Salinas es un syndicalista del CUTH, dando un reportaje de la grande marcha de la Resistencia Septiembre 15 - muy differente este ano que en los anos anteriores, con 300,000 personas en las calles del capital, Tegucigalpa, y dos millones mas en el pais, todas protestando el regimen golpista de Micheletti.

Israel habla sobre la posicion de 'Mel' Zelaya, el Frente de la Resistencia, y las elecciones de Noviembre 29.

Original audio source (Salinas20Wbass_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras and the Resistance Front - Ricardo Salgado from Honduras

Ricardo Salgado in Honduras describes how almost half the population of Honduras turned out on the streets on September 15 (Independence Day) in protest against the coup regime of Micheletti, who still insists on holding elections on November 29, in spite of popular outrage and a proposed boycott.

The evolution of the Resistance Front, its' political development, and goals that now go far beyond the simple return and reinstatement of exiled President 'Mel Zelaya' is unprecedented in Honduras' history, and the sustained popular resistance - now past its' 80th day, unprecedented anywhere.

Original audio source (ricardo.salgadobonilla_18_Sep_2009.mp3)

Grahame Russel - Goldcorp mining in Central America

Grahame Russel, human rights lawyer for Rights Action has been involved in exposing the activities of Canadian mining companies in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico, for over five years. He explains the violation of a range of human rights by this company, and its' connections with corrupt and repressive governments in Central America and Mexico, particularly more recently, in Honduras.

Original audio source (GrahameRusselGoldCorp17_Sep_2009.mp3)

Honduras Coup and the Resistance Front - Ricardo Salgado from Honduras

14Mb. 128kbps. mono 15 mins 10 secs.
(Photos courtesy of Grahame Russel, Rights Action).
Ricardo Salgado Honduran researcher talks about the 77th day of popular resistance to the coup regime in Honduras, and the impossibility of a fair election there on October 29. The coup regime is starting to come apart at the seams, while the Resistance Front is growing in strength, motivation, objectives, and organisational skills. This in spite of more selective techniques of intimidation and elimination by paramilitary 'death squads'.

Original audio source (Ricardosalgado12Sep2009.mp3)

Honduras - Toni Solo Pt4

3.23Mb 128kbps mono 3:31 mins.

Tortilla con Sal pt.4
Toni Solo (of Tortilla con Sal Nicaraguan web magazine) analyses the 65th day of continual protest in Honduras, by hundreds of thousands of protesters almost daily. They are protesting in a non violent way, against the coup regime who abducted their legally elected President and preventing his return. Police and military repression against the non violent protesters is mounting, but going unreported in the mainstream media. The popular resistance has grown so strong that by now, the reinstatement of President Zelaya is just one aspect of a massive demand for social justice. Honduras will never be the same.

Original audio source (tortillaconsaPt4l_27_Aug_2009_11_57_06_2.mp3)

Honduras - Toni Solo Pt5

11.8Mb 128kbps mono 13mins

Tortilla con Sal pt.5

Toni Solo (of Tortilla con Sal Nicaraguan web magazine) analyses the 65th day of continual protest in Honduras, by hundreds of thousands of protesters almost daily. They are protesting in a non violent way, against the coup regime who abducted their legally elected President and preventing his return. Police and military repression against the non violent protesters is mounting, but going unreported in the mainstream media. The popular resistance has grown so strong that by now, the reinstatement of President Zelaya is just one aspect of a massive demand for social justice. Honduras will never be the same.

Original audio source (tortillaconsaPt5_27_Aug_2009.mp3)

Honduras - Toni Solo Pt3

9.13Mb 128kbps mono 10 mins

Tortilla con Sal pt.3
Toni Solo (of Tortilla con Sal Nicaraguan web magazine) analyses the 65th day of continual protest in Honduras, by hundreds of thousands of protesters almost daily. They are protesting in a non violent way, against the coup regime who abducted their legally elected President and preventing his return. Police and military repression against the non violent protesters is mounting, but going unreported in the mainstream media. The popular resistance has grown so strong that by now, the reinstatement of President Zelaya is just one aspect of a massive demand for social justice. Honduras will never be the same.

Original audio source (tortillaconsalPt3_27_Aug_2009.mp3)

Honduras - Toni Solo Pt1

Tortilla con Sal pt.1
Toni Solo (of Tortilla con Sal Nicaraguan web magazine) analyses the 65th day of continual protest in Honduras, by hundreds of thousands of protesters almost daily. They are protesting in a non violent way, against the coup regime who abducted their legally elected President and preventing his return. Police and military repression against the non violent protesters is mounting, but going unreported in the mainstream media. The popular resistance has grown so strong that by now, the reinstatement of President Zelaya is just one aspect of a massive demand for social justice. Honduras will never be the same.

Original audio source (TortillaPt1270809.mp3)

Honduras - Toni Solo Pt2

4.23 128kbps mono 9:15 mins

Tortilla con Sal pt.2
Toni Solo (of Tortilla con Sal Nicaraguan web magazine) analyses the 65th day of continual protest in Honduras, by hundreds of thousands of protesters almost daily. They are protesting in a non violent way, against the coup regime who abducted their legally elected President and preventing his return. Police and military repression against the non violent protesters is mounting, but going unreported in the mainstream media. The popular resistance has grown so strong that by now, the reinstatement of President Zelaya is just one aspect of a massive demand for social justice. Honduras will never be the same.

Original audio source (TortillaPt2_270809.mp3)

Honduras - Ricardo Salgado speaking from Honduras

Ricardo Salgado is a Honduran, and independent researcher heavily involved in social work in Honduras. He gives us an inside view of the situation there, including the massive marches, occurring almost daily for two months now, and how the movement has grown to the extent that the aspirations of the people go far beyond the return of their elected President, who has been exiled by the coup regime.

The popular Resistance Front is threatening to boycott elections due to be held at the end of November, if their President is not reinstated. The situation becomes more and more tense as the election day draws near. The people now are determined, and prepared for the 'long haul' to see their demands for social justice recognised, and end of the grip on the country held by generations of the 'ten families'.

Original audio source (RicardoSalgado30_Aug_2009.mp3)