LISTEN NOW! New Audio Channel Player on LatinRadical site

Finally we got around to tweaking the online player options  here at LatinRadical.

Since some visitors have problems accessing the flash players for each post, a standalone all in one player has been set up which will enable listeners to scan and select from a list of (many) recent programs.

You also have the option of using a pop up player so you can continue to surf and listen without any chance of accidentally turning the audio off.

Honduras Protest in the USA: Karla Lara, singing revolution

Honduran native Karla Lara broke into the music scene in 1986 as a singer in the popular group "Rascaniguas" and later with the famous Salvadoran group "Cutumay Camones" that accompanied the political struggle during that country’s brutal civil war. She returned to Honduras to join bands intending to harness music as a form of rebellion, where she was a founding member of "Doble-Via" and "Trovason".
To speak of Karla Lara is to tell the story of many women, or maybe that is only the intention: that many women can see their reflection in her songs, in the harshness of their reality in contrast with the hope and joy that a woman can fight for her rights.
Karla is part of an extensive and diverse movement of young Honduran musicians that believes in the need to create Honduran music with its own history, own rhythm, and pride of being part of a new generation that builds dignity in the country.
In December 2004, she presented her first album, Donde andar, which brings together many of the issues that she has supported and sung about for years. From that date, her music has brought her to various other venues, from unknown villages in Honduras to Copenhagen, Denmark.
In December 2008 she recorded her second album, Antes del Puente, "an album that will help to build identity, to allow ourselves to feel, through stories, clichés and characters of our country, a sense of belonging, which we believe makes the difference in how you design your participation in the construction of a different kind of citizenship."
She is currently part of the first Central American feminist band, CantArte Vida, that has given concerts in Guatemala and Honduras.

Play/Direct download: tamarKarlaLara27_Apr_2010_15.mp3
Category: Latin Radical -- posted at: 9:15 AM

Petro-Bronx ! Lainie Cassel and how Venezuelan Oil helps communities in the Bronx.

Lainie Cassel, media researcher and freelance journalist who has spent over a year in Venezuela talks about effective aid projects in the South Bronx, fuelled by the Venezuelan State run petrol company CITGO.
Details of the project can be found in Lainie's article here, as published in "Upside Down World"

Play/Download:Original audio source (lainie.cassel_22_Apr_2010.mp3)

Cuba's political system (Spanish) - Julie Webb with Jorge Farinas Molina

15.6 Mb. 128 kbps mono 17 minutes 6 seconds.

Political science lecturer Jorge Farinas Molina talks with Julie Webb about the details of the Cuban political system.

Ex-profesor de Sciencia Politica, Jorge Farina Molina explique detallademente como funciona la systema politica Cubana.


Honduras - Peasants still under threat. (Spanish) Johnny Rivas (MUCA)


Johnny Rivas discusses the outcome of his discussions (as representative of the peasant movement MUCA) Honduras' 'President' Pepe Lobo. Some concessions have been made, with some of the disputed land being returned to the control of the peasants, but the communities are still threatened with a large military presence in the region, and it remains to be seen whether millionaire land grabbing business man Facusse, will comply

Representante de la MUCA, Johnny Rivas habla sobre los resultados de sus discusiones con el de facto Presidente de Honduras, Porphirio Lobo Sosa. Dice que hay algunas concesiones de terrenno, pero la presencia militar queda. Los 'concesiones' seran votado por los campesinos del MUCA esta semana.


3,500 Peasants threatened with Massacre (Spanish) - Johnny Rivas of MUCA

(Spanish Language) (note: sound quality is poor)
Johnny Rivas, spokesperson for the MUCA (peasant union) is meeting with the 'de facto' President of Honduras 'Pepe Lobo' to ask him why the campesino cooperatives of Bajo Aguan are being surrounded by some 3,000 military personnel and police. Peasants are reclaiming land that was illegally acquired during the late 1990s with leases that expired in 2005. Three of the richest men in Honduras are trying to claw back the land to be turned over to Palm oil production, using threats, intimidation and paramilitary assassins. Already 5 peasant leaders have been murdered. Nevertheless, Johnny says morale in the campesino community is high.
Johnny Rivas, representante de la MUCA va reunirse con el 'Presidente' Pepe Lobo para preguntarle porque las communidades campesinas de Bajo Aguan estan rodeadas por mas de 2000 effectivos del gobierno. Los campesinos estan reclamando terreno agarrado illegalemente por unos tres 'bisneros' mas ricos de Honduras. Ya han assesinado 5 dirigentes campesinos para intimidar las communidades. Sin embargo, Johnny dice que el espiritu de los campesinos es alto.


Cuban Elections - (Spanish with English commentary)


Julie Webb, correspondent for Scoop has been given access to the Cuban electoral process and is an accredited observer. She interviews Valentin Graupier whose nomination as a candidate was successfully contested at a local election meeting. A remarkable insight into the grass roots nature of the democratic process in Cuba, where a general election is coming up in a few months.
