Honduras' new Party. (Nuevo Partido Politico de Honduras). Toni Solo entrevista al Margarita. (Espanol) Spanish.

15.2  25 minutes
Toni Solo, (http://tortillaconsal.com) entrevista una dirigente del FNRP de Honduras y candidata del nuevo partido que se formo para representar al Frente. 
Direct download: Tonimargarita_9-11-2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 1:00 AM

Nicaraguan Elections Part 1. Toni Solo comments

6:65Mb. 12 minutes 33seconds
Toni Solo, host of http://tortillaconsal.com calls from Nicaragua to talk about the landslide electoral victory of the Sandinista Front. Much to the chagrin of the neo-liberal oriented opposition parties, the social programs of the Sandinista Front has one the respect of the people.
Direct download: Pt1tortillaconsal_11_Nov_2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 12:22 AM

Nicaraguan Elections part 2. Toni Solo comments.

11.4 Mb. 17 minutes 10 seconds
Toni Solo, host of http://tortillaconsal.com continues his analysis of the Nicaraguan elections and the landslide victory of the Sandinista Front looking at what this means for the region, and what it will mean for the Nicaraguan people in the future.
Direct download: Pt2tortillaconsal_11_Nov_2011PCversion.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 12:30 AM

Intelligent Aid in Guatemala (English) Interview with Corrina Grace

33Mb mono 30 minutes

Corrina Grace is visiting Australia after five years working on aid projects in Guatemala. An engineer by profession she is passionate about appropriate technologies and sustainability. She emphasises that there is a high level of consciousness in the underprivileged communities of Guatemala of climate change and the Global financial crisis. It is no longer a topic for debate, but critical issues to which they are already taking steps to adapt.
With her is a team of six young Guatemalans who are touring Australia to learn techniques and methods of sustainable technologies and permaculture.

Corrina's web site can be found here:
Direct download: CorrinaGuate.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 3:37 AM

Victor Torres - Chilean Students - Estudiantes Chilenos (Spanish/Espanol). Victor Torres habla.

6.3Mb 256kbps. stereo. 13 minutes.

Interview with student spokesperson for the Chilean student movement that is sending a shockwave through Latin American society with its determined resistance to the privatisation of the education system.
Entrevista con un vocero de los estudiantes en resistiencia a la privitisacion de educacion en Chile, y America latina.
Direct download: rec_VTorres20_Sep_2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 12:27 PM

The Other September 11 - Chilean voices

Guatemalan Elections - The Death Squad Candidate? Jennifer Harbury speaks out. (English Language)

24.5 Mb mono. 17 minutes, 48 seconds

(Note, there is some noise interference about two thirds of the way into the interview0

Former Guatemalan General Otto Perez Molina was in Washington last May seeking approval and support for his Presidential aspirations. He is expected to win the Guatemalan elections scheduled for September this year. Perez Molina is a graduate of the US “School of the Americas” Military Academy.
He was also the head of the notorious Guatemalan D2 Intelligence Unit that was responsible for the disappearances and torture of thousands during the 1980s and 1990s ‘counterinsurgency campaigns’ in Guatemala, during which over 200,000 mainly indigenous people were massacred.
US citizen Human Rights lawyer Jennifer Harbury whose Guatemalan husband was one of the victims of the D2 intelligence unit, is a co-signatory of a document filed with the UN rapporteur Torture calling for Perez Molina to be put on trial for war crimes.
Jennifer has spent the last twenty years accumulating evidence that Perez Molina and others were not only complicit in abduction, torture, and genocide, but that the CIA had illegally withheld documents which demonstrated its complicity in these acts.
Jennifer is seeking an end to the impunity of those responsible for gross human rights violations through the Guatemalan legal system and the United Nations. But before discussing the “document of allegation” presently before the UN rapporteur, I asked her if she had had recourse through the US legal system.
Jennifer has published a book about her experience recently, "Truth, Torture and the American Way" and interviews, documentation and links to supporting material on YouTube can be found on http://rightsaction.org
Direct download: Jeniferpodcst.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 5:17 AM

Community Radio in Honduras - Radio Communitario en Honduras - perseguido!

Un Escuadron de diez,enmascardos  llegaron a la casa del periodista Hondureno, y dirigente del Radio Uno, para secuestrarlo y intimidar su familia. Aqui una entrevista que presenta la situacion en Honduras, dominado por un regimen post-golpista que niega los derechos humanos, fundamental, de un pueblo muy sufrido. Arnulfo tiene una historia de un radio communiatrio, independiente en su periodismo, y perseguido fuertemente por un 'gobierno' que no soporta ni tolera una punta de vista independiente.
Direct download: AguilarRadioUno07_May_2011_04_39_19.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 2:20 AM

Uprising in Honduras - Interview with FNRP Union Leader, Max Zavala (with English voiceover)

8.72 Mb. 10 minutes 12 seconds
(Interview with English language voiceover)
Union leader Jorge Max Zavala Galeano talks about the second day of a national uprising in Honduras against the Post-coup regime of Pofirio ('Pepe') Lobos. Police have started using live ammunition against peaceful protestors who have succeeded in closing down much of the country, as a response to the intransigence of the regime in meeting the just claims of teachers who have been out on strike for over a week and who have met with brutal repression.
Students and parents have come out in support, and faced baton charges, beatings, over 500 canisters of teargas, and dozens of arrests without charge. There have been several deaths already, but the people intend to continue their resistance.
Direct download: MaxWithCommentary.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 4:08 AM

School of Americas' Watch - How real is the change in the new US Administration?

12.3 Mb mono 23 minutes
Gabriela talks with community radio from the Washington Office of School of Americas' Watch. She traces the history of this anti-war movement from its creation about the time of the death of Salvadoran Archbishop Romero at the hands of US. trained Death Squads. They track the careers and movements of graduates from the School who are linked to gross human rights violations, and their current work of persuading progressive Latin American governments not to send candidates to be trained by the US. The role of Obama in current US/Latin American relationships is assessed, and the significance of his visit to the burial place of Archbishop Romero, in his recent visit to El Salvador.

Direct download: GabiSOAwatch31_Mar_2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 10:10 AM

Honduras uprising - Union leader speaks (Spanish language)

2.5 Mb. mono 4 minutes 35 seconds
Union leader Jorge Max Zavala Galeano talks about the second day of a national uprising in Honduras against the Post-coup regime of Pofirio ('Pepe') Lobos. Police have started using live ammunition against peaceful protestors who have succeeded in closing down much of the country, as a response to the intransigence of the regime in meeting the just claims of teachers who have been out on strike for over a week and who have met with brutal repression.
Students and parents have come out in support, and faced baton charges, beatings, over 500 canisters of teargas, and dozens of arrests without charge. There have been several deaths already, but the people intend to continue their resistance.

Direct download: maxzavala11_31_Mar_2011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58 AM

Massive repression of Honduras Teachers - English translation/commentary

10.6 Mb 13 minutes 30 seconds
English commentary to soundtrack of actuality,
Original video: http://vimeo.com/21181376
(Extract from live to air radio show "Latin Radical" broadcast from 2pm to 4pm every Saturday from Community Radio 2NimFM 102.3  Webcast from http://nimfm.org)
Dick Emanuelsson is on the spot to report the heavy repression of teachers in Tegucigalpa, March 18. A three month old baby is nearly poisoned by the tear gas fumes as hundreds of canisters (costing over $100 each) are fired on the peaceful protesters. Later in the day a schoolteacher was killed when a tear gas canister was fired directly at her head, and she was run over by a military vehicle. The teachers are on strike to reclaim a years worth of back wages that haven't been paid, to protest the looting of their pension fund shortly after the coup of 2009, the raising of the pension age to 70 years, and legislation that will lead to the privatisation of the education system and the end of public education in Honduras.
Direct download: TeacherStrikeactuality.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 4:50 AM

Police Repression of striking teachers in Honduras (Spanish)

Dick Emanuelsson is on the spot to report the heavy repression of teachers in Tegucigalpa, March 18. A three month old baby is nearly poisoned by the tear gas fumes as hundreds of canisters (costing over $100 each) are fired on the peaceful protesters. Later in the day a schoolteacher was killed when a tear gas canister was fired directly at her head, and she was run over by a military vehicle. The teachers are on strike to reclaim a years worth of back wages that haven't been paid, to protest the looting of their pension fund shortly after the coup of 2009, the raising of the pension age to 70 years, and legislation that will lead to the privatisation of the education system and the end of public education in Honduras.

Represión salvaje en Honduras donde ni siquiera los bebés se salvaron from Dick & Mirian Emanuelsson on Vimeo.

Obama goes to El Salvador - CISPES report (English)

9Mb. 10 Minutes

Alexis, coordinator of CISPES (Committees in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, USA) examines some of the reasons US President Barack Obama might be visiting El Salvador for an exclusive meeting with Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes.
Direct download: CISPESElSalvador16_Mar_2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 2:39 AM

Interview with indigenous Garifuna leader from Honduras - English

22.3 MB.  28 minutes

Roxana interviews indigenous Garifuna leader, Alfonso, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Alfonso talks about the growing levels of repression and human rights violations since the post coup regime has been in power, and particularly how it affects the indigenous Garifuna people.

(Photo by Roxana)
Direct download: _Alfonso.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 4:38 AM

Juan Almendares - Honduras Champion for Human Rights. Interview with Rosanna Wong

8.7 Mb. 15 minutes. English Language
Roxana returns from two months in Honduras where she met with a number of the leading figures of the Honduras Resistance movement. Here she interviews Dr. Juan Almendares, human rights activist and Ecologist. Dr. Almendares is a former Rector of the Autonomous University of Honduras, and Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science. He has been a visiting Professor at the Madison School of Medicine, is on the Executive Committee of Friends of the Earth, International,  and has received a number of international awards for his tireless work in the promotion of human rights. Although he has been frequently threatened (including death threats) for his work in human rights in Honduras he is currently the Director of the CPTR, or the Centre for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and their Families.
In this conversation with Rosanna Wong he talks about the background of the coup in June 2009 in Honduras, the response of the Honduran people, and the incremental increase in human rights abuses in Honduras, under the post-coup regime.
Direct download: AlmenadaresPcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24 AM

Cubans in Haiti

John Kirk is a professor of Latin American Studies at Dalhousie University, Canada. He comments on the nature of Cuban medical aid, which he has been researching for decades, especially as it relates to the cholera epidemic in Haiti. He recalls meetings with Fidel Castro, and the daughter of Che Guevara.
Direct download: JohnKirk08_Jan_2011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37 PM