El Salvador - Seguridad con el FMLN: Entrevista con Diputado Luis Corvera (Spanish language)

(Espanol/Spanish language)

Luis Corvera es el diputado de Santa Ana, elegido por la tercera vez a La Asemblea Nacional de El Salvador. Con esta entrevista el explica la politica del FMLN sobre la tema de seguridad publico, relaciones (pasado y futuro) entre las Fuerzas Armadas y el FMLN, cambios en la cultura de las Fuerzas Armadas, la tema de impunidad, y la Ley de Amnistia.

(Luis Alberto Corvera is the FMLN representative for Santa Ana who was reelected for his third term on the Salvadoran Legislative Assembly in the recent elections. He speaks with community radio about the position of the FMLN on issues of public security, at a time when gangs and organised crime are a growing problem in El Salvador. While the armed forces (police and military) and the FMLN were traditional enemies, the signing of the Peace Accords in 1992 brought about significant changes in the Police culture. He talks about the relationship of the FMLN with the Armed Forces, and about the FMLN's position on the still sensitive issue of impunity, and the Amnesty Law for those guilty of Human Rights violations).


Guerilla Radio Legend - Santiago, Radio Venceremos, with English voiceover

Santiago - as he is still known - was one of the key people in the development of the FMLN's guerilla Radio Venceremos. He now manages the Museum of Word and Image, which is building an archive of the popular struggle in El Salvador, so that those histories are not lost. He talks with Australian community radio about the role of alternative media in El Salvador today.


Las Experiencias de un ex-combatiente del equipo 'Radio Venceremos'

Atilio Vasquez Diaz, un ex-combatiente y miembro del equipo del Radio Venceremos habla de las difficultades de muchos integrantes de la guerilla, para incorpoarse en la vida civil, despues de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz, 1992. Muchos que se integraron con la guerilla como muy jovenes, campesinos analfabetos (aunque apprendieron en la guerilla) no tenian los habilidades para entrar con facilidad en la vida civil. Atilio fue a Mexico para apprender el manejo de film y video, pero no era facil a accostombrarse a una vida muy differente.


Radio Venceremos 20 anos despues - entrevista con Santiago


El 'Santiago' (Carlos Enrique Consalvi) ... uno de las personas claves en el desarollo del radio guerillero "Venceremos" - habla sobre los medios de communicacion populares y alternativas en El Salvador 20 anos despues. Ahora trabaja en el Museo de Palabra y Imagenes como otro medio de mantener la memoria de las luchas populares. Y hace su proprio commentario sobre los medios de communicacion en El Salvador de hoy.

(Santiago - as he is still known - was one of the key people in the development of the FMLN's guerilla Radio Venceremos. He now manages the Museum of Word and Image, which is building an archive of the popular struggle in El Salvador, so that those histories are not lost. He talks with Australian community radio about the role of alternative media in El Salvador today).


SINPESS - Sindicato de Periodistas Salvadorenos. (Salvadoran Journalist Union)


Entrevista con tres integrantes del sindicato de Periodistas Salvadorenos 'SINPESS'. Ivan Escobar, Daniel Trujillo, y Emilia. Trabajan con el Periodico independiente, 'Diario Co-Latino' pero el sindicato incluye muchos periodistas de los otros medios, y defendien los derechos de libertad de expresion de periodistas, y ademas derechos laborales. Muchos periodistas y trabajadores y trabajadoras Salvadorenos son graduados de cursos Universitarios Salvadorenos. Para asegurar una prensa mas libre, se necessitan estos graduados de carerra un sindicato fuerte, y que el periodismo no sea dominado por gestiones de lucre. Hay esperanzas de que el nuevo gobierno puede facilitar el trabajo del sindicato.


Entrevista con Jorge Jimenez - Diputado del FMLN

Jorge Jimenez, diputado electo a la Asamblea Nacional de El Salvador esta encargado con la reforma electoral, para prevenir elecciones futuras intentados de fraude, y para incrementar la transparencia del proceso democratico. Tambien habla de los problemas anticipado, y la trayectoria del FMLN despues 1ero de Junio. Aclara la posicion del FMLN sobre gestiones tan importantes como la impunidad (La ley de Amnistia) y justicia para las victimas de la violaciones de sus derechos humanos.

(Jorge Jimenez is one of the newly elected representatives of the FMLN to the Legislative Assembly, and has been given the responsibility for Electoral Reform - much needed after the attempts by the governing party to alter the results reflecting the popular will. He outlines measures to make the electoral process, and democratic processes more transparent. He also takes time to indicate some of the problems the new government will be encountering, the direction the FMLN is likely to take, and the position of the party on important issues like 'impunity' for human rights abuses that have occurred in the past, stressing the importance of justice and compensation for the victims over the need to punish the perpetrators.)


Salvadoran Journalists - English voiceover

Journalism - Salvadoran style

Tough biddies (still sparking strong) and young enthusiasts are out there doing tough journalism in a tough country. There's gonzo, and there is survivalist in the world of journalism. There are broadsheets and pamphlets in El Salvador, but we are talking to journalists the more mature ones who have survived journalism in a civil war, and others, from the younger generation who see the point.

El Diario Co-Latino is the end product of a newspaper that has been bombed, bankrupted, set on fire, and generally persecuted. It has also been the training ground for young journalists who are not prepared to sell out to financial interests; graduates from the National University of El Salvador, who refuse to recognise neo-liberal ideology.

This is an important role for El Diario Co-Latino. There are over 50 'private' universities in San Salvador most of them springing up in the last twenty years of ARENA government. On their boards and councils, sit former military officers. - a retirement break for US accredited generals and colonels who have been afforded 'impunity' for their role in gross human rights violations.

It remains to be seen if the new government can reconstruct the neoliberal 'plantation', or whether the Universities can still continue to generate a critical, committed, and honest journalism. This is one of the constant topics of debate in the ranks of the FMLN, as everyone waits to see what will result from the new government after June 1.


Peeriodistas en la lucha Salvadoreno - Diario Co-Latino


Periodistas del Diario Co-Latino hablan de lost intentos de reprimir o destruirlo en las decadas pasadas. Victima de incendios (dos veces) bombas, y bancarrota, sobrevivio por los esfuerzos y el sentido de comprimiso de los trabajadores y periodistas, quienes, a veces trabajaron sin sueldo y durmieron en el piso del edificio, que hasta esta dia, parece una granja. Emilia Piñeda y Ivan Escobar cuentan las experiencias.

(English voiceover to follow - The independent daily newspaper El Diario Co-Latino has a history that goes back over 100 years. In the last half century it has been burned down twice, bombed once and gone bankrupt twice. It has survived through the support of its readers and the commitment of the print workers and journalists who at times worked without pay to keep the paper solvent, often sleeping on the floor of the building, which to this day, looks like a huge barn.)
