John Riddell and Susan Weiss - Canadians in Venezuela

With NimFM

Canadian couple John Riddell and Susan Weiss talk to Latin Radical about their experience on the Australian Venezuela solidarity brigade. Not only were they witnesses to the recent plebiscite, but they were able to observe the workings of the "Community Councils" which the Chavez government is trying to empower. People are encouraged to work together at a community level and given the means to circumvent entrenched bureaucracies.

Note: Sound quality is poor. This was a phone interview on a noisy international connection. Nevertheless, it is worth hearing what John and Susan have to say.

16Mb mono 128kbps 20 mins

Pro-Chavez Groups Assemble to Build a Unified Front

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suffered his first-ever electoral defeat last December, when his proposed Constitutional Reform lost at the polls. Since then, Venezuelans have been deep in reflection. This weekend, however, pro-Chavez social movements transformed this into action. They held an unprecedented 2-day long grassroots assembly with the goal of building a unified agenda. Mike Fox has more from Caracas.


Fuentes - the New Year in Caracas Venezuela

Fuentes - the New Year in Caracas Venezuela

15Mb 128kbps mono 15mins.

Fred Fuentes reports from ground base in Caracas, Venezuela.

Are there really food shortages? What are these "Community Councils"? Are they really an instrument to centralise power to the President? Why has President Hugo Chavez and his government so calmly accepted the narrow rejection of the 66 point plebiscite to change the Venezuelan constitution? Fred has been in Venezuela for over a year and has his finger on the pulse of Bolivarian activism. He rounds up this interview with an insightful assessment of how President Hugo Chavez international status has been enhanced by his success in persuading the Columbian FARC guerillas to release hostages, in spite of efforts by the US and the Columbian President to sabotage a successful outcome.
