Honduras' new Party. (Nuevo Partido Politico de Honduras). Toni Solo entrevista al Margarita. (Espanol) Spanish.

15.2  25 minutes
Toni Solo, (http://tortillaconsal.com) entrevista una dirigente del FNRP de Honduras y candidata del nuevo partido que se formo para representar al Frente. 
Direct download: Tonimargarita_9-11-2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 1:00 AM

Nicaraguan Elections Part 1. Toni Solo comments

6:65Mb. 12 minutes 33seconds
Toni Solo, host of http://tortillaconsal.com calls from Nicaragua to talk about the landslide electoral victory of the Sandinista Front. Much to the chagrin of the neo-liberal oriented opposition parties, the social programs of the Sandinista Front has one the respect of the people.
Direct download: Pt1tortillaconsal_11_Nov_2011.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 12:22 AM

Nicaraguan Elections part 2. Toni Solo comments.

11.4 Mb. 17 minutes 10 seconds
Toni Solo, host of http://tortillaconsal.com continues his analysis of the Nicaraguan elections and the landslide victory of the Sandinista Front looking at what this means for the region, and what it will mean for the Nicaraguan people in the future.
Direct download: Pt2tortillaconsal_11_Nov_2011PCversion.mp3
Category:Latin Radical -- posted at: 12:30 AM